Quad has a strong track record in developing custom and unique solutions for special applications. Quad has an experienced and highly competent team of specialists with capability in process engineering, simulation modelling and special purpose machine design to execute unique and challenging projects. Some examples of custom solutions include:
- Design of Unique Housingless millstands with eccentric and symmetrical roll gap adjustments to be able to roll large beams (up to 24”) from ‘near net shape’ feedstock. The requirements for the mill resulted in a custom design for this special purpose.
- Design and supply of ‘Wide Window’ stand design for continuous beam mill. This special application allowed the reuse of existing roll inventory and existing mill chocks. It also allowed rolls and guides to be setup offline in an exchange carrier system for quick roll and guide change.
- Design of ‘Wide Window’ continuous structural mill to allow quick change of rolls and guides to switch between angles, channels and flats
- Design of side-shifting ‘Wide Window’ reversing stand. Stand side shifts between passes and bar is kept on table centerline allowing easier automation. Stand has axial locking after roll gap adjustment to allow tight tolerance finished product to be rolled on large reversing stand.
- Design of large breakdown reversing mill for rolling Titanium ingots. This process was the first time this had been done anywhere (Titanium ingots are typically forged). Efficiencies from rolling compared to forging were realized.
Design and supply of combination 2Hi/4Hi; Hot/Cold; Coiling with tension/Straight Bar Rolling complex, complete with water cooling section. This highly adaptable plant can be used to develop new steel grades and rolling simulations